After more then 26 hours travel was we finally in USA. We got the car at the airport after some search and argue. We tock the SUV that I had ordered and haded down against
Mcdonough to Kevin's place. When we arrived where they still up and made som adjustments on his new rail buggy. Kevin had Anibal Chico and Ralph from Califonia on visit. Chico is well known VW engine builder and has the companies WWW.STEELBUGIN.COM and CHICO PERFORMANCE RACING
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Kevin did't look to happy at the moment with the visit. You can already see Michael teaching Chico how to build engines.
Now Kevin starts to get warm. 3 o'clock in the morning zzzzzzzzzzzz.
Now Micheal starts to be hotter then hot. Chico listen with big ears.
My dad study what the rail buggy.
Michael are back behind the computer and show how things should be done.
My dad take a walk in the park and look around in Kevins garage.
Some nice details of the rail.
CSP covers are never wrong.
A rack for the computer. I'm just waiting for Michaels computer to take the place on that :D Now is it time for 3 hour sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
6:30 and time to start the loading of the rail buggy.
Chico and Dave helped Kevin out with the loading of the rail buggy. Dave and Chico took the rail to the Dyno Day. Kevin could not come with us to the BKC Dyno Day, he hade to join his kids for the junior dragracing competition.
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