Monday, April 2, 2012

Niels Timmerman

Some pictures that I have found on internet that Niles Timmerman from the magazine AIRMIGHTY has got of my car last summer around at different VW meetings.

Bug Run 2011

Another picture from Niels that he took at BugRun -11
Niels took this picture on my car on the way back to Sweden from Bug In.

Michaels SAMBAon the way back to Sweden from EBI -2011.
Bug In in Belgium 2011.
My VW and Rasmus Thrysöe very nice Cal-looker at Bug In 2011.

1 comment:

Tyra Shortino said...

Oh! These are lovely Beetles! Really love the camper vans. :-) Though car trends have come and gone, it’s amazing to see how Beetles have stood the test of time, and they’re quite prized collectibles these days, at that. I suppose it’s the brand’s image as "people's cars" that also helps in sustaining its popularity to this day.